Friday, October 4, 2013

Shadow Fiend

So you just randomed Shadow Fiend and you only have sixty seconds to learn how to play Shadow Fiend. What will you do? Never fear: this is DotA in :60.

For anyone who's great at last hitting, Nevermore the Shadow Fiend is a beast.

This horny little doughnut has four magical powers, including "Dark Arts". It comes in three flavors -- long distance, short distance, and GET 'EM OFF ME, GET 'EM OFF ME!

"Your Soul is Mine" lets you use the souls of your fallen victims to give Lui Kang the comeuppance he deserves!

Just for being a badass, "Coat of Harms" causes your enemies' armor to fail them -- just when they need it the most.

Ulti-time! "Spill Your Guts" let's you spatter soul juice all over everyone in the area just like a squid. Whaaassssuuupppp!

Sadly, Shadow Fiend isn't the kind of guy you write home about. I mean, really, he's not that exciting of a character. That's not his fault. Sure, he's not a bad boy, but he's got a job and he's cool, can't you forgive him for being less flashy and just go on a date with me... I mean him... MOVING ON!

So what about items?

He a bruiser -- DPS all the way.

He's got more gifts than Santa -- think attack speed!

Power Treads and Shadow Blade are the most popular, but if you want my advice, oh, baby, do you want a Daedelus and throw in Black King Bar because what doesn't stun you ends up dead!

Thanks for watching this video, good luck in your match, last hit like a champ, never fight up stairs!