So you just randomed Io and you only have sixty seconds to learn how to play Io. What will you do? Never fear: this is DotA in :60.
Io is the dollop of whipped cream on top of your four-scoop hot fudge sundae.
Io's got four magical powers including "Active Ingredients" -- Io's version of string theory that lets you pump your buddy full of preservatives.
"Sour Balls" raids the candy story to bring forth five spectral jawbreakers just waiting for an unsuspecting patron to open up and say "Ew".
If desperate times call for desperate measures, then "Sugar Rush" is a costly buff to the attack speed of a friend.
Ulti-time! "Insert Random Star Trek Noise" transports Io and Ensign Deadguy on an away mission. Dude, you said there'd be green chicks here!
With "Active Ingredients" you can stun onlookers with your friendly disposition, with "Sour Balls" you can stuff more lemons into somebody's lemonade, with "Sugar Rush" you can feed a customer even while he hurls, and with "Insert Random Star Trek Noise" you can boldly go where you just were ten minutes ago.
So what about items?
You're sweet as silver -- you deserve some armor.
You're a 4-star general -- get boots like your troops!
Urn of Shadows and Mekansm are the most popular because if it's got an aura your wisp should be holding it -- and throw in a Eul's because them milkshakes ain't gonna make themselves, son.
Thanks for watching this video, good luck in your match, don't feed the stiffs, harass with your balls!